Avoid downed power lines and stay away from buildings and bridges from which heavy objects might fall during an aftershock. Discussing tsunamis ahead of time will help reduce fear and save precious time in an emergency. to protect yourself from the earthquake first. Do not wait for an official warning. You want to be, ideally, 2 miles (3.2 km) away from shore and at least 100 feet (30.5 m) above sea level. In general, tsunamis are not particularly threatening, as they constantly happen every day around the world, often in the middle of the ocean. ), Tools (wrench to turn off utilities, manual can opener), Anything for individuals with specific needs (infants, elderly, etc.). Most tsunamis don’t reach much higher than regular ocean waves on the beach. If you live in a coastal community, you probably have an evacuation route, even if you're not aware of it or if it's not often talked about. Learn the location of nearest shelter/safe area; learn the safe route to shelter. But in some cases, the tsunami will develop into potentially destructive waves. Get practical tips and graphics you can share to promote preparedness on your social media channels. Keep a look out for any tsunami warnings signs. If the surrounding area is flat, move inland. NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts tsunami information directly to the public. With as little as 20 to 30 minutes before a tsunami hits, you must prepare now for what you’d do if you live near the coast. Do not assume that after one wave the danger is over. Get an evacuation (or bug-out) kit with all the supplies to last you at least 72 hours. Familiarity may save your life. Everyone should know what to do in a tsunami situation. How do I protect my house from a tsunami? What is the best source of information in a tsunami situation? If any members of your household have special evacuation needs (small children, elderly people, or people with disabilities) consider evacuating early. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 223,726 times. Follow posted tsunami evacuation routes; these will lead to safety. Tsunami evacuation routes are designated on a blue sign by a wave with an arrow pointing towards the route, and with the words "Tsunami Evacuation Route" (or similar in a foreign language) underneath it. Always stay at a high ground; the water will continue to rise. After a tsunami. Even though you'll probably be following everyone else, know that they're heading for high ground, too, and you should do the same. Since 1946, six tsunamis have killed more than 350 people and caused significant property damage in Hawaii, Alaska, and along the West Coast. So if you. If you've got a tsunami warning, tell as many people as you can, even if you don't know them. Winter Weather. Even if you do not feel shaking, if you learn that an area has experienced a large earthquake that could send a tsunami in your direction, listen to a local radio or television station or NOAA Weather Radio for information from the Tsunami Warning Centers about action you should take. Do you know how to reach your back-up route in the event one is impassable or jammed? If they're acting funny, something is definitely up. Use a NOAA Weather Radio or stay tuned to a local radio or television station to keep informed of local watches and warnings. Occasionally, tsunamis can form walls of water, known as tsunami bores, when the waves are high enough and the shoreline configuration is appropriate. If you live in a tsunami risk zone then you’re probably aware of what to do when a tsunami strikes. People on the beach or in low coastal areas need to be aware that a tsunami could arrive within minutes after a severe earthquake. If time permits, secure unanchored objects around your home or business. The tsunami danger period can continue for many hours after a major earthquake. If you get swept away into the tsunami, hold onto something and don't try to fight the current. Tsunami-specific planning should include the following: Learn about tsunami risk in your community. Additionally, keep a first aid kit in your emergency bundle, and stock it with items like bandages, pain reliever, and sanitary items like toilet paper. The farther uphill you are, the better and safer you will be. A Tsunami watch means a dangerous tsunami has not yet been verified but could exist and may be as little as an hour away. How are they acting? If you are in an at-risk area and an earthquake occurs, turn on the radio to see if there is a warning and seek higher inland ground. Needless to say, there will be short- … As far as possible. If your community doesn't have a program. Twenty-four tsunamis have caused damage in the United States and its territories in the past 200 years. If you don't want to jump to conclusions, look to the animals. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. It is important to know designated escape routes before a warning is issued. Make sure everyone knows there are a potential threat and the best way to safer ground. The former cause usually generates tsunamis at ocean and seaside, while the latter is most likely to occur in a lake. Once you know how to predict a tsunami and how to handle the situation when it comes, your main duty is to pass your learning onto others. Matt Rosenberg is an award-winning geographer and the author of "The Handy Geography Answer Book" and "The Geography Bee Complete Preparation Handbook. There are usually about two tsunamis per year that inflict damage in the surrounding areas. A tsunami is a series of enormous ocean waves caused by earthquakes, underwater landslides, volcanic eruptions, or asteroids. Reacting to an Official Tsunami Warning Even if you do not feel shaking, leave coastal areas immediately and evacuate to a safe place if a tsunami warning is issued. If you have kids that are in school, familiarize yourself with their policy. In several cases, people survived the first wave and returned to homes and businesses only to be trapped and killed by later, sometimes larger, waves in the series. Do a quick YouTube search right now for videos—it's quite startling. Hopefully, you'll never have to worry about a tsunami or other natural disasters, but being prepared is the best way to keep yourself safe. If you hear word that another area has been hit, presume yours will be too, though the gravity of the wave could be very different. However, both types of tsunamis can be just as dangerous, and you should know how to prepare for one. Stay out of the water and away from beaches and waterways. Your emergency route would lead you there and you could stash your emergency kits in it as well. This article has been viewed 223,726 times. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. So round up the kids and the family dog and...GO. Identify any vulnerability and repair it. Find out if the plan requires you to pick your children up from school or from another location. Waiting until the last minute could be fatal for them and dangerous for you. Every foot inland or upward may make a difference. That’s my biggest takeaway for this article. Even though tsunamis happen infrequently, it is still important to prepare for one if you live, work or play on the coast. Before you travel, find out what you can about the tsunami risk in the area you are visiting. Water (A large amount to last for about a week), A prepaid sim card in a phone (Be sure the phone has a long lasting battery), Canned or packaged foods (A large amount to last for about a week), Flashlight (hand cranked flashlights are a good idea), Radio (tuned to NOAA station that gives the "all clear" signal). … The tsunami that struck Banda Aceh, Indonesia, on December 26, 2004, washed a 2,600-ton ship about five miles (eight kilometers) inland into the city. An aerial view video of giant tsunami waves. In fact, most tsunamis don't reach much higher than regular ocean waves on the beach. To learn how to recognize the signs of an impending tsunami, keep reading! Japan, experts say, is probably the most prepared place in the world for a tsunami. Footpaths normally lead uphill and inland, while many roads parallel coastlines. There may also be more than one series of tsunami waves if a very large earthquake triggers local landslides.