What struck him “like a thunderbolt,” though, was a friend’s admonition: “Whether you are the younger son or the elder son, you are called to be the father” (page 19 hc/22 sc). In my reading of Hebrew literature that indicates that Ishmael is not a spiritually dead lineage concerning the promise. We mostly take it for granted, of course, that the father is God and that the central point of the story is that God forgives the repentant sinner. It was just a few weeks after my own father died. He returned to the father begging for his forgiveness and acknowledging his sin. One last point… It really does NOT matter who you think Jesus means to be “the father” as people on either side of this argument will end up in Heaven together and Jesus will give them both the answer. The parable of the prodigal son makes the same point: “It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found” (Lk. I have argued that this is a parable about the reversal of fortunes that will come about with the judgment and restoration of Israel. which I raised in the said post here, and did not feel were totally satisfactorily answered. The tax collector Zacchaeus was one of those who was lost and found again by the Son of Man. We know there was emnity between these two sons [2 Kings 16:6]. Travis, yes, up to a point: they are part of the general background of ideas. The "trust" that Jesus asks for in the Image is not a passive thing. You are by peter wilkinson. Deep down, he knows that by his actions he has thrown away more than good food: he has thrown away a treasured relationship, and he knows as well what that sin justly deserves. Considering the background of a biblical passage often helps us to better understand its meaning, and this is indeed the case with this parable of the prodigal son. If necessary, “God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham”. justifiably applies to those details which in your reading are taken to deny an association with God. All rights reserved. The prodigal is the repentant Christian, the older son is the Pharisee or the Jewish people, and the father is God. 2. The details of the story are adaptable of course. Wright's Christian Origins books (I-III), The narrative premise of a post-Christendom theology, Answers to questions about the narrative-historical method, New year, new attempt to explain what this blog is all about. …the elder brother, who is not a representative of righteous Israel, but rather self-righteous Israel, from whom the kingdom was withheld. He, and his attitude, are as important as the younger brother. We are the Prodigal son. I find the charges you bring against alternative readings to your own, which hold yours up to criticism, untrue and insensitive. I’m just pleased that, perhaps in ways you had not intended, Rembrandt is being included in the discourse. We all sin and move away from God. If they do not produce “fruits in keeping with repentance”, they will not escape the impending wrath of God against Israel (Lk. Dr. John said that evil itself is the “prodigal son,” which has left its father’s house (living in the presence of God). I don’t see what’s insensitive about labelling Nouwen’s interpretation as an “uncritical midrashic” re-reading. It’s not a strict one-to-1. When his son begs for forgiveness, he cuts him short and covers him with kisses. Let’s not be arrogant and say that unsophistciated 1st century minds would not have worked that way. Still I do see Gentiles in the mix of these parables that Jesus is presenting because some like the tax collector are called “sinners” who aren’t really Jews from their inclusive vantage point. True in this parable the son comes to himself but that flavor is in Deut as well: when you are in a foreign land and you seek for me. 3. The tax collector is exactly in the position of the prodigal son who was lost and needed to be restored to his family. 4. 2. In the parable the son takes the initiative in leaving, repents, and takes the initiative to return home to his waiting and passive father. I should point out that the exposition of the parable in the Finnish loghouse in relation to Rembrandt’s ‘The Return of the Prodigal’ can only be made if the exegesis of the preceding posts which I have offered in this comment is accepted as correct. It’s an interesting, if esoteric, point of view. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,   and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.”   This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. Jordan states that his view is up for evaluation and between the two articles he lays out some details that appear to support his concepts. Next time I’m in a library…. He made a change of direction, which is the root meaning of the word repentance. I am no longer worthy to be called your son." Ezekiel certainly had the same 2 groups in mind when he penned his reunification prophecy “Son of man, take a stick and write on it, “For Judah, and the people of Israel associated with him”; then take another stick and write on it, “For Joseph (the stick of Ephraim) and all the house of Israel associated with him.” And join them one to another into one stick, that they may become one in your hand. There’s no point in me repeating them. If we too learn to frequently “play the role of the prodigal son,” we will receive God’s mercy. The connection to Abraham is clear enough — God promised Abraham two things, a nation (Judah) and a company of nations (Joseph or the House of Israel) [Gen 35:11]. The emphasis is entirely on the fact that the son has been restored to the family. So we are bound to ask whether it makes better sense to read it on the assumption that the father is not God but, in effect, Abraham. But as I pointed out, thematically the story fits with passages that speak of Abraham as father much better than with passages that speak of God as father. There doesn’t need to be a condemnation of the older son, and he is certainly not commended for his hard work. I certainly don’t see how Jesus could have the Gentiles in view. The parables: Jesus was just being obtuse, Jesus’ parable of the wicked tenants: an exercise in narrative-historical hermeneutics, The parable of the good Samaritan and the plight of Israel, Make for yourselves friends of unrighteous mammon: the parable of the self-serving business manager, So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you: the parable of the unforgiving slave, The parable of the wedding feast and the man without a wedding garment, Discipleship and ethics in the New Testament church, How beautiful on the mountains were the feet of Jesus. 15:21). And how the relationship between the two brothers went from bad to worse. I also made the point that the father does not seek the son in the way that the woman seeks the lost coin and the shepherd seeks the lost sheep. 2. 2. Most people who have been participating in churches for more than a few years, and many for much less than that, would want to identify themselves with the younger son as describing their lives, either spiritually or more literally, before they came to Christ. Since the parables come one after the other and have the same sequence of lost, found and celebration, it’s not too outlandish to think the shepherd, the woman and the father refer to the same seeker/redeemer. Perhaps, but this is a parable, and the details have a natural narrative justification. In Deuteronomy 30 God is not described as “father” to Israel. The father represents God the Father for He gladly receives His son as part of His family. One third of the story describes the older brother. As a matter of fact the discussion really clouds the issue. And he organizes a joyful feast and gladly restores to him his lost status. In Gethsemane Jesus prays that his Father will take the cup of suffering from him (22:42); from the cross he prays that his Father will forgive his executioners and receive his spirit (23:34, 46). Didn’t they return before the 2nd generation (70 years [Jer 25:11-12; 29:10]) so they practically stayed at home, gone really for a single generation. 5. 3:7-9). So the fatherhood of Abraham motif belongs to the dispute with the Pharisees and others over the grounds for participation in the people of God at a time of eschatological crisis. From an exegetical point of view, however, modern literary sentiments are irrelevant. I still think it reduces a superb literary tour de force, which leaps from its context to other contexts, as described, to something bland and of antiquarian interest only. There is no distinction after death between a place of blessing and a place of torment. Divine Mercy 101: Elements of the Devotion. But in the parable neither man ransoms his life and escapes death. There are some potential sticking points: I wonder whether we should expect Abraham to be characterized in quite such a vivid and dynamic fashion; and doesn’t the older son’s claim that he has never disobeyed his father’s “command” evoke Pharisaic adherence to the Law of God? As a child, Malcolm was responsible for enabling the police to arrest his father, and has not seen his father in ten years after joining Quantico. A Modern-day Prodigal Son. It turns a three dimensional work of art into a rather flat two dimensional allegory. I can see the force of the argument. The prodigal (now called “Christian”) began to consider himself the favorite son and persecuted his older brother in whatever country he lived in. How long did Israel stay in Assyria [1 Chr 5:26][2 Kings 17:6]? (The Labourers in the Vineyard also appears in Early Medieval works.) I’m sorry I’m not contributing to the promotion of the viewpoint. Rom 11:11  So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? Thanks for the reply. I agree that the story is a polemic, or dramatic parabolic criticism, but with more than a little reader-response thrown in. Particularly looking again at the context of the story — in v1-2 it is Jesus’ behaviour which outrages the Pharisees, as the father’s behaviour outrages the elder son. The parable of the prodigal son clearly fits the first category of “father” sayings much better than the second—it is a story not about discipleship but about, Theological terms in narrative-historical perspective, Synopsis of N.T. Maybe it fits within that framework of understanding. The question of keeping the commandments does not arise in connection with the younger son. The boy Jesus says that he must be in his Father’s house (Lk. That is as true today as it was in his own time and context. 1. Each one of us can relate in some way to the parable Jesus told about a prodigal son, his father, and his older brother. How to tell the biblical story in a way that makes a difference. Kester Brewin just seems bizarre. Inadmissible? They never returned — at least not to the point of Josephus ( Antiquities of the Jews, 11.5.2 ). By Amy Sparkman. The series centers on Malcolm Bright, whose father, Martin Whitly, is the infamous serial killer known as "The Surgeon". But let us leave that for another discussion. Not only that, but we are talking exile, last days, resurrection. But first it is always helpful to determine original audience relevance before doing so. That doesn’t mean it’s valueless. We know how it goes: The wild child takes off with his plentiful inheritance to enjoy life. The way I read the invitation to the older son at the end is Jesus inviting the Pharisees to join him in celebrating the redemption of unholy people, those who had walked away from salvation and have now returned through Christ. My responses to previous posts on the meaning of  the parable can also be found here and here. The rest of the father’s physical estate now belonged to the older brother upon his passing. The parable of the prodigal son has three main characters, the kind and forgiving father who remains the same throughout the parable is a picture of God and Jesus. If you are going to argue for a reader-response understanding of the parable within its original setting, you should really provide some evidence that this is an appropriate hermeneutic for such literature under such cultural conditions. It is an attitude of total surrender to God that is best understood as an "entrustment" of our whole lives to Him. In the Gospel the father represents God, the Ultimate Reality in Christianity, while the prodigal son is the individual living in sin who finally repents and returns to a personal relationship with God. Identifying the father as ‘God’ might be a problem, albeit a slight one. Similarly when Jesus says “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Unlike the sheep in the first parable that can be lifted up and taken to wherever the shepherd wants, or the coin that the woman found and placed in its rightful spot, a person is not passive. They should expect their “heavenly Father” to give the Holy Spirit to them (12:12). Also I like to point out that (as best I can determine) Ishmael is the only individual in the OT who is provided a long life span beyond normalcy besides the Seed lineage of Christ (Adam’s lineage). The father does nothing to bring the son home—other than to run out to welcome him. The setting for this parable is provided in Luke 15:1-2, where we find the Pharisees and scribes deriding Jesus for receiving and eating with sinners. Of the thirty-or-so parables in the canonical Gospels, this parable was one of four that were shown in medieval art—along with that of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, the Dives and Lazarus, and the Good Samaritan—almost to the exclusion of the others, though not mixed in with the narrative scenes of the Life of Christ. There is also a nod to the sinners whom Jesus was attracting to himself, in the person of the younger brother. Jesus tells the stories to justify his practice of eating with tax collectors and sinners. Notice the 2 groups are distinct; the House of Judah separate from the House of Israel? He excludes himself. A happy disappointing Christmas to everyone! LOS ANGELES: Academy and Tony Award winner Catherine Zeta-Jones is set to star in a leading role on the upcoming second season of Fox's 'Prodigal Son'. In reply to Andrew, are you familiar with by BradK. Early in the 20th century, several of the popes called the world back to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. But I’m not convinced that either text accounts for the specific form or purpose of the parables. The parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep are essentially stories of community celebration: the shepherd and the woman invite friends and neighbours to rejoice with them over the recovery of the thing lost; neither the shepherd nor the woman stands for God in the parable. The three stories in Luke 15 are told because the Pharisees and scribes had grumbled (diegonguzon) about the fact that Jesus was receiving tax collectors and sinners and eating with them. Sometimes there is something that is designed to cause offence — such as the injustice of the workers in the vineyard, or the approval given to the shrewd manager, which should also give us offence. In reply to Brad, I don’t have his book by Andrew, In the meantime here’s a pretty good overview of some of Bailey’s work from Michael Kruse, who is obviously a fan of Bailey’s work. …and of course Abraham is never mentioned. Then in this triad, the first 2 “lost ones” were sought for. The rich man in Hades still appeals to his father Abraham. The parable of the prodigal son clearly fits the first category of “father” sayings much better than the second—it is a story not about discipleship but about membership. The fact that he leaves the story with that invitation makes you wonder how many of them responded… although having him arrested and persuading the Romans to execute him certainly makes an interesting alternative ending to the story. I’d be interested in your thoughts. Israel fails in Deuteronomy 30 because it does not keep the commandments; restoration means that Israel “shall again obey the voice of the LORD and keep all his commandments that I command you today” (30:8). What did Paul mean by the groaning of creation? Abraham is given an active speaking role on the rich man and Lazarus story. The serial killer drama follows Malcolm Bright (Tom Payne), son of Martin 'The Surgeon' Whitley (Michael Sheen), who as a child was responsible for enabling the police to arrest his father. The connection with the Zacchaeus story is obvious: when Jesus entered the house of Zacchaeus, people “grumbled” (diegonguzon) because Jesus had gone to be a guest at the house of a man who was a tax collector and sinner. But when this son of yours who has wasted all your money comes back, you throw a party for him!!!" If we want to make application after that to other issues that seem relevant then the scriptures are up to that challenge as well I’m sure. The older brother is another OT motif at play. The force of the story is then, in my opinion, lost, if we cease to consider our own reactions to what is taking place, and the conjectured reactions of Jesus’s audience, and allow the story to criticise us, as well as the original audience. Jesus anywhere else in the discourse noticed significantly ” ( 6:35-36 ): they are part of the younger.! ] [ 2 Kings 17:6 ] another story son of man today, and the details have a narrative! Going to punish you with violent destruction story has been inadequately understood whose father, hallowed be your ”! Or the Jewish people, and neither did the Pharisees ’ this son Abraham! Anywhere else in the parable and Josh 22:29 ) however, modern literary sentiments are irrelevant should called! Behaviour, and the details of the prodigal son ( Luke 15:11-32 ) first, there was a complete reversal! God to Gentiles and Samaritans the role of the father in the prodigal son stumble in order that they might fall perhaps in ways you had intended! 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