[64]Bigg, pp. The work of the Trinity described, First teaching section (1:3-12). The Greek word translated as "deeply," "earnestly," or "fervently" is ektenē, used to describe the muscles of an athlete straining to win a race. This passage has given rise to the emphasis by some that Christ descended into hell during the time that his body was in the tomb. and secretaries often could aid with syntax and grammar. [72]Kelly, p. 181. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_72").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_72", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); The presence of a doxology in 4:11 need not indicate an intended conclusion of the book. The calling of Christians is similar to that of Christ in that both involve some suffering. meaning “stone” or “rock” (John 1:42). Suffering for Jesus 1 Peter 4:1-6 Introduction- Turn to 1 Peter 4:1-6 Good morning- Last week I asked you if you realized that your attitude plays a big factor in what you receive during the service. this letter, thus he had written this epistle near the end of his life, probably Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.a. Jesus then gave Peter the name of Cephas – John 1:40-42. Their effort is to discredit the church and new life which Christ gives to men and women has also a domestic impact (3:1-7). Thus, a vicious persecution against Christians Jesus is the choice and precious capstone, exalted as the pinnacle of the spiritual house. composition of the more classical Greek. restoration. Looking at these scriptures in the light of I Peter 5:6-8, and understanding that Peter is writing with his thoughts on Satan in the background, our feelings are especially vulnerable because it is natural for us to feel that we are being taken advantage of or not being treated as we should be, and our emotions begin to run wild. Jesus chose Peter to head His Peter, according to some traditions, followed Peter’s statement in 3:19 seems to suggest that it took place in the interval of time between Christ’s death and resurrection. 12:5-13). with animosity? Her conversion would produce greater family strain than the conversion of the husband. 9:27). “Dead” must be taken in the same literal sense as in 1 Peter 4:5, which refutes the explanation “dead” in sins. In 3:13 Peter appears to say that for those who live after a godly pattern the likelihood of suffering is small. Sorely pressed Christians are urged to bless their tormentors, and the ground for this blessing is the mercy received by God. A gentle, tranquil spirit is very precious to God. Moreover, though Aramaic may have The mention of God as faithful suggests that he is willing to guard his own, and the description of him as Creator signifies his ability to do just that. Peter was married and had a home in Capernaum. Peter could hardly have missed the … Detractors were spitefully abusing the behavior of the Christians, and Peter wants his readers to silence these accusations by good conduct. A drunken person has neither a clear mind nor any control over motor activities. The readers of 1 Peter, then, have in some sense replaced the house of Israel as God’s new people. Both then and now, the use of the metaphor “spiritual house” (1 Pet. See 1 Peter 4:8 (printed below) Above all else, maintain a fervent love for each other, because love covers a multitude of sins. Author – Date: It is frequently true that no one will harm the righteous, but occasionally evil people take glee in making life wretched for the upright. Southwestern Journal of Theology Love is our priority: it is “above all things” or, more literally, “before all things” ( pro pantōn) (1 Pet. The term hades is sometimes translated as hell in the King James Version (see Acts 2:31), but it means more properly “the realm of the dead.” These spirits to whom Jesus preached were living in the realm of the dead in the underworld, and it was there that Christ visited. In 4:18 Peter argues from a major point to a minor deduction from it. CONCLUSION. While looking for His second coming. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. Some see the intensity of Peter’s description here as pointing to a time when the state had come to regard the profession of Christianity as a crime. Roman outpost in northern Egypt was named Babylon; but the place was too Following the construction of 1 Peter 2:7 adopted by him, Hofmann takes ΟἹ ΠΡΟΣΚΌΠΤΟΥΣΙΝ not as an adjunct referring to what precedes, but as protasis to the subsequent ΕἸς Ὅ, which, according to him, contains the apodosis expressed in the form of an exclamation. began and soon spread throughout the Roman empire, touching places north of the [69]Best, p. 150. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_69").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_69", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); Believers then and now are not at the mercy of demonic hordes but are under the control of the victorious, ascended Christ. Elders should be faithful shepherds. Category: Journal ArticleTags: 1 Peter, Letters. Such love manifests itself in unlimited sacrifice for others. The material in this after July, A.D. 64 when the city of Rome burned, thus a writing date of ca. In 1:22-25, Peter introduced the concept of our new birth through the seed of the Word. But if you take the phrase “in the spirit” to mean “by the [Holy] Spirit” (there are no capital letters in the original text), then Peter would be referring to the Holy Spirit as the agent of Christ’s resurrection (see Rom. Some have seen this verse as speaking of the offering of the gospel to some who were in a state of physical death when they heard the gospel. There was no uniform term for leaders of the churches in the first century, and those who exercised pastoral and administrative oversight in the churches were sometimes called elders and sometimes by other names. Christ by Paul and his associates, and established on Paul’s teachings, needed [50]Kelly, p. 128. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_50").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_50", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); The reverence of the wife is directed toward the Lord himself. At the return of Christ those who perform well are to be given an unfading spiritual reward called a crown (5:4). Simon (Greek), or Simeon (Hebrew); compare (Mark 1:16; John 1:40-41). 19), the purpose of this letter was to teach them how to live victoriously in Peter writes that Christians should do this "above all." like his Lord. Peter, before The Romans were totally devastated. A knowledge of the return of Christ provides an incentive for devoted, watchful action (4:7-11), and a knowledge of the future glory for believers provides a basis for joy and commitment to do God’s will (4:12-19). In 3:3, 4 Peter indicates that the Christian wife should show a distinctive interest in conduct rather than in clothes. 1:5, 7), and ”bishop” suggests the place of primary leadership which they had in the life of the church. The man wanting to live this type of life must surrender those words which are malicious or calculated to harm and those which are deceitful or calculated to deceive. She is not to take pride in a gaudy outward display but in the graces of the soul. Heaven is their real home. Jesus, The Cornerstone (2:6) Peter quotes Isaiah 28:16 and applies the Messianic stone reference to Jesus. That they should not think them strange, nor be surprised at them, as if some unexpected event befel them; for,(1.) In Peter’s interpretation the terms “life” and “good days” are taken to refer to the final salvation of believers. A demand for holiness, A holiness demanded by God’s own character (1:13-16), A holiness demanded by the costly experience of Christ’s passion (1:17-21), A holiness expressed in genuine love responding to the gospel (1:22-25), A holiness expressed by the new life received from a gracious God (2:1-3), Second teaching section (2:4-10). [76]Best, p. 166. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_76").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_76", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); VII. He was the spokesman for the 12, In later Jewish literature the misbehavior of these evil angels is discussed at length. Second, Andrew, Peter’s brother, brought him … Jesus preached while he was in a state of being alive in the Spirit. The term “answer” or “appeal” probably refers to the questions and answers used customarily in the act of baptism. 4:13), could not have written in sophisticated Greek, especially in light of the 8, 9. [70]Kelly, p. 169. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_70").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_70", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); The pre-conversion period of the life of Peter’s readers involved licentious indulgence (4:3), but Peter regards that section of life as a closed chapter. questionnaire which follows the section which has been done to aid in the 6:1-6). In a time when traveling Christians had few roadside locations for lodging, hospitality among Christians was a necessity (4:9). Title: The What does Peter tell us to combat these lies? In addition to these internal destroyed, their great temples, shrines, and even their household idols were [57]Best, p. 133. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_57").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_57", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); The Christian is to display this attitude in the heart where he would normally fear his persecutors. member of a family of fishermen who lived in Bethsaida and later Capernaum. energized by Satan and his demons. Christian Growth —2nd Peter 1:1-11. that Peter, Mark and Silvanus were all at this rather small, distant place at The seemingly distressing experiences of these Christians were in reality a sharing of the same sufferings to which Christ had been subjected. word, Babylon”, which aptly fit because of the city’s idolatry (compare Rev. 1 Peter 4:12-13. Stone," used in 2:1-8 is the Greek noun lithos, which is used to describe stones of various kinds -- building stones, precious stones and jewels, millstones, stones used to close graves, etc. In 4:19 Peter urges that there is no ultimate escape in apostasy, and Christians should see suffering as a means used by God to bring them to fuller holiness. The person who accepts what God ordains will leave the resolution of these anxieties to God. Who were these “spirits in prison”? Their citizenship is in heaven and they are In 4:17, 18 Peter suggests that the ordeal of believers is terrible, but that the suffering of unbelievers defies the imagination. after another. letter. However, Such hospitality was costly both in time and money, it was to be given without complaining. In the first place, that Peter was These “aliens”, who were The Peter after the baptism, historians tell us, was pleased to be crucified In the light of Christ’s return Peter makes some practical demands of discipleship in 4:7-11. 1 Peter 5 – For Shepherds and Sheep A. The conscience was a right attitude toward God from which a right attitude toward man emerged. by Jesus. The term “by water” has both a local and an instrumental sense. been Peter’s primary language, Greek would have been a widely spoken second We might suffer because we are Christians. [58]Bigg, p. 159. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_58").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_58", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); In 3:16, 17 Peter reminds his readers that good conduct by a believer could put his detractors to shame. blessings bestowed on Christians. Peter advised these Christians to love each other (1 Peter 4:8). Jesus told His disciples, “A new command I give you: Love one another. For — giving the reason for 1 Peter 4:5, “judge the dead.” gospel preached also to … dead — as well as to them now living, and to them that shall be found alive at the coming of the Judge. Since God is sovereign in all activities, Christians are particularly to submit to the hand controlling them. And we should praise God that we are Christians (1 Peter 4:12-19). In 4:10, 11 Peter mentions that Christians are to use their gifts for the benefit of the Christian community. like his Lord. The reference in 5:13 to “she who is in Babylon” has been seen by some as a reference to Peter’s wife. Webmaster@bible-studys.org In 2:1-3, Peter has moved on to the concept of growth, once again brought about by the Word. Taurus mountains, like Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia (1:1), and and what it means to know Christ, Peter mentions one privilege and blessing The one who performs a ministry of kindness is to do it without any conceit in personal powers or abilities so that God may be glorified. hostility. The New Testament uses “sober” metaphorically of spiritual alertness or watchfulness (1 Thessalonians 5:6, 8; 2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Peter 1:13; 4:7). In the following verses Peter gives more consideration to the problems of women because a woman was more vulnerable in her position. email us at: The imagery is vivid that Peter references from Isaiah. To pay honor to the wife calls for courtesy particularly in the realm of sexual relations. In Romans 12:3 St. Paul plays on the meaning of the component parts of -, cf. 3:28). In 4:1-6 Peter issues a further call to holy living. So Peter, under the Peter teaches his readers to “clothe yourselves with humility” (5:5), an . He said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. How should a Christian lady A type was an original incident, person, or institution of which an antitype was a copy. They would thus fully share in their destruction. impacted the Christians, who Peter call “aliens”. things about Peter. They have suffered the judgment which comes on all men, physical death (see Rom. The explanation of the salvation, 1 Peter 1:3b c. The nature of the salvation, 1 Peter 1:3c-4 ... 1 Peter 2:4-8 a. To sobriety and watchfulness: ldblquote Be you therefore sober, 1 Peter 4:7. already hated because they were associated with Jews, and because they were seen He is anxious that they respond in a righteous manner to those who had caused their suffering (3:13-17), and he presents the example of Christ’s ultimate vindication even though he suffered (3:18-22). The character and function of believers, 1 Peter 2:5 c. The character and effect of Christ the cornerstone, 1 Peter 2:6-8 * Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever – Matthew 8:14,15. The suffering which the Christian is to undertake is a co-crucifixion with Christ or a dying to self. chapters 17-18). also explained (5:12), that he wrote this letter “through Silvanus”, also known section. formal, rabbinical training in the Scriptures. were suffering escalating persecution (1:6; 2:12, 19-21; 3:9, 13-18; 4:1, 12-16, Although the end is near, Christians are not to abandon the ordinary duties of life but are to maintain discipline. Peter’s reference here may have been based on his sleeping in the Garden of Gethsemane and also on his subsequent compromise (see Mark 14:37-40, 66-72). })(); This is one of the penman that the leader among Christ’s apostles. The term “arm yourselves” is a military metaphor urging Christians to prepare themselves for a coming persecution. God is more than merely good; he is also involved in man’s afflictions. His advice to them, relating to their sufferings, which is,1. Though they be sharp and fiery, yet they are designed only to try, not to ruin them, to try their sincerity, strength, patience, and trust in God. The humility of 5:5 is an attitude primarily to be shown to people. See 1 Peter 2:9 (printed above under question #4) Our Christian calling is further described as the calling to “display the virtues of him who called you.” That is to say, by the grace of God we are called to live a Christ-like life and in so doing we will be reflecting and exhibiting the very virtues of God Himself. Since, however, they have received the gospel, they can live spiritually so that after physical death they can enter into life eternal. They must also perform in the right manner, not be domineering but by setting an example. echo of the Lord’s girding Himself with a towel and washing the disciples’ feet Christ (3:1-2)? We should tell them gently about Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). The attitude of the believer toward others is not to be determined by the response from others but by God’s merciful attitude and the quality of life to which he was called. Free E-mail Bible Study Discipleship Training in Luke's Gospel. 1 Peter 5 – For Shepherds and Sheep A. The opening verse of the epistle claims it was written by Peter, who was clearly The 2:4, 5 and in Jude 6. Scriptures: 1 Peter 4:7. was common in the ancient Roman world (compare Paul and Tertius; Romans 16:22), We can relate the weakness in all of us to Peter's weakness and The translation “courteous” could better be rendered as humble in spirit. 9:5). The time of “shaming” these detractors may well be at the last judgment. They are also to have a mutual brotherly love and to be tenderhearted. This command does not call for opposing their persecutors, but it demands a steadfastness under persecution so that they might not commit apostasy. [68]Stibbs, p. 144. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_68").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_68", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); Those answers become the pledge of an individual to maintain a right moral attitude before God. Just as Noah and his family of eight persons were delivered from the flood, even so will Christians be delivered from the coming judgment. That the Of the persecution we must endure, Jesus says, "Rejoice in that day and leap for joy!" The promise that God will exalt them applies primarily to the time of the end of all things, and not primarily to the times of this life. 6 For in Scripture it says: The What should a Christian employee’s about Christian living such as: Do Christians need a priesthood to intercede Such submission and a consequent rendering of honor and respect become the most effective means to reach intimate relatives and social superiors. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); The psalm describes a person who lives a life which is worthwhile. Peter also wants his readers to understand the *gra… Christ was made alive by the Holy Spirit, but the use of “Spirit” in 3:18 does not show the means by which Christ was raised from the dead but the sphere in which he was raised. Their culture, in a His brother, Andrew, was a In this way, 1 Peter might be called the Job of the New Testament, providing encouragement for the true believer to continue on in the way that Jesus has laid out for all His followers. To prevent readers then and now from thinking that he attributed some magical power to baptism, Peter quickly states that the experience of salvation is only realized among those who brought faith and repentance to baptism. attitude be toward a hostile employer (2:18)? Be sober “Sober” literally signifies to abstain from wine. was. The fact that both are joint heirs of God’s grace becomes an incentive to show this honor. It is not possible to determine the exact nature of the accusations here. The defense is to be reasoned, and its explanation calls for the Christian to state the nature of his faith. Third Preaching Section (5:1-9). The term “likewise” suggests that the husband is to show a deference to the wife just as the wife has been told to behave. 5:12). Peter’s word is that the gospel had been preached to and received by some who had since died physically. [74]Beare, p. 166. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_74").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_74", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); Jesus had already indicated in Matt. The very nature of God is love (1 Jn 4:8), for God loves us with an everlasting, unconditional love. When Peter failed to acknowledge that he was a disciple of Christ, he feared man more than he feared God. Christians had set the fires. Purpose of Writing: 1 Peter is a letter from Peter to the believers who had been dispersed throughout the ancient world and were under intense persecution. * Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever – Matthew 8:14,15. Southwestern Journal of Theology Vol. 197-203, 314-362. Originally known as Simon (Greek), or Simeon (Hebrew); compare (Mark 1:16; John 1:40-41). learning process. The suffering Christian must seek to determine what profit or understanding   God intended for him. Setting: When the city of Rome burned, the Romans believed that their The decision of a committed Christian as seen in the act of baptism leads him to experience a unity and a direction impossible for sinners who are distracted from side to side in life. Silvanus was likely the messenger designated to take this letter to Believers are constantly exposed to a world system This interpretation falls with that of 1 Peter 2:7. Much pagan thought saw her as little different from a slave. The chief purpose in calling for submission here is a military metaphor urging Christians to love other. Baptism the Christian life can be accessed by the wife is a as... Bring believers to God for the readers of this house, being as. 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